
Accelerated Performance Advantage Content Types

Industry Landscape Monitor Report Studies

Learn about the industries we cover

... FastTrack Insights

FastTrack Perspective & Market Impact Online Presentation

Focuses on the important decisions that business leaders make every day.

They provide a snapshot of the market challenges and opportunity on a specific market sector or technology, and align with our research agenda.

  • Summary & Key Insight

  • Perspective: What is Happening? Why is it Happening?

  • Impact of future trends

  • Guidance

... FastTrack Insights

FastTrack Company Profile & Analysis Online Presentation

Provides timely insight and business strategy impact, and guidance on:

  • Business strategy

  • Financial announcements

  • Product offerings announcements
    • product value proposition

    • technology/product development

  • Mergers and acquisitions or divestitures

... FastTrack Insights

FastTrack Growth Opportunities Briefing Online Presentation

This knowledge helps clients reduce their risk of losing market share or enhance their position over the competition.

  • What happens next.

  • What opportunities exist.

  • Promising areas of growth.

  • Forecast data to support your business plans and goals

This knowledge helps clients reduce their risk of losing market share or enhance their position over the competition.

... FastTrack Insights

FastTrack Technology & Business Impact Analysis Online Presentation

Fast insights into the structure of the market and the technology landscape, highlighting market opportunities and trends.
Emerging Vendor Profiles and the potential impact or disruption of associated technologies.

... FastTrack Insights

FastTrack Digital innovations & Disruptive technologies

Insights to base business strategy and/or associated business processes, especially as they relate to the adoption and use of technology.

... FastTrack Insights

FastTrack Survey Spotlight Online Presentation

Presentation of research survey findings along with actionable advice.

... FastTrack Insights

FastTrack Digital Case Studies Online Presentation

Learn how companies are using digital technologies to improve operations and customer engagement.

... FastTrack Insights

FastTrack E-book Online

Helps by providing a framework on a topic of special interest to a target audience.

Infographic Online

Valuable material for speeches and strategic planning.

Smart Papers & Snapshots


A collection of global, regional and country-specific market landscapes, providing actionable insights on the most important trends in a particular coverage area, highlighting key statistics, trends and players in the market, to keep one step ahead of competition in identifying future growth opportunities.


It encompasses the Accelerated Performance Advantage Reports Marketplace resources, plus key information and data on industries, economies, countries, companies and consumers, that provide the context and analysis you need to make more informed decisions for your company.


It encompasses the Monitor Nexus Intelligence Center resources, plus multi-disciplinary research, analytics & advisory on key business issues through a series of Special Intelligence and Strategic Planning Programs (SPPs) Research Agendas.