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Yesterday the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) announced the completion of the first phase of its Global Layer...

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29 Jun 2024

Today Standard Chartered and Synpulse released a report on tokenized real world assets (RWA) with a particular focus...

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28 Jun 2024

It’s been more than 18 months since the European Investment Bank (EIB) issued its €100 million digital...

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27 Jun 2024

The Universal Digital Payments Network (UDPN) announced the production launch of its first two solutions. One is for...

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27 Jun 2024

News has emerged that Thailand has applied for BRICS membership. The country initiated the mBridge cross border...

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26 Jun 2024

Two years ago Boston Consulting Group (BCG) estimated that the market size for tokenized assets would reach $ 16...

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22 Jun 2024

During this week’s Citi Digital Money Symposium, Russell Barlow of UK asset manager abrdn described DLT and...

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22 Jun 2024

Today the Swiss National Bank (SNB) announced it is extending Project Helvetia III, its wholesale central bank...

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21 Jun 2024

Today Zodia Custody announced that the National Australia Bank became an investor via NAB Ventures. The digital asset...

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20 Jun 2024

Bank of America’s survey of more than a thousand wealthy Americans found a significant shift away from...

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20 Jun 2024

Today bank-backed blockchain firms Fnality and HQLAᵡ announced they completed end to end testing to enable...

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19 Jun 2024

Yesterday the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT and the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) announced an...

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19 Jun 2024



Stablecoin issuer Circle has been granted an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) license by France’s...

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02 Jul 2024

State-owned German bank KfW has issued a €4 billion ($ 4.28bn) digital bond with a value date of 2 July. The...

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29 Jun 2024

Earlier this week the European Central Bank (ECB) announced 48 new participants in the second wave of its wholesale DLT...

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28 Jun 2024

S&P Global Ratings announced it is joining Singapore’s Project Guardian which explores tokenization,...

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28 Jun 2024

Open source blockchain foundation Hyperledger has announced plans to evolve into a broader umbrella, the Linux...

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26 Jun 2024

Consumer transactions using India’s digital rupee have slumped to one tenth of the volumes at the end of last...

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26 Jun 2024

Last year Turkish bank Garanti BBVA unveiled the launch of Garanti BBVA Digital Assets. It initially had a digital...

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19 Jun 2024

The BIS has announced Project Meridian FX, a joint initiative for foreign exchange (FX) transactions with the Bank of...

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18 Jun 2024

Introducing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the Eurozone within a few years is widely considered a foregone...

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12 Jun 2024

As part of a speech earlier this week, the First Deputy Governor of the Banque de France, Denis Beau, revealed that the...

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06 Jun 2024

The largest stablecoin issuer Tether has invested $ 18.75 million in XREX, a Taiwanese startup targeting emerging...

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06 Jun 2024

Today the BIS unveiled Project Rialto a new foreign exchange (FX) module looking to improve FX settlement for instant...

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05 Jun 2024

JP Morgan revealed that Ant International, the affiliate of China’s Alipay, has processed billions of dollars...

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02 Jul 2024

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) announced that three major financial trade associations, ICMA, ISDA and...

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29 Jun 2024

State Street’s asset management arm, State Street Global Advisors (SSGA AUM $ 4.3 trillion), has partnered...

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28 Jun 2024

The Boerse Stuttgart Group has shared its testing plans as part of the second wave of the ECB and Eurosystem’s...

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27 Jun 2024

Bloomberg reported today that Standard Chartered Plc is launching a spot crypto trading desk for Bitcoin and Ether in...

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22 Jun 2024

During today’s Citi Digital Money Symposium, the bank unveiled its new Citi Integrated Digital Assets...

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21 Jun 2024

We’ve previously reported on Deutsche Telekom‘s operating nodes and staking services for multiple...

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18 Jun 2024

Figure Technology Solutions has launched Figure Connect, its blockchain-based marketplace for private credit....

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13 Jun 2024

It’s been a busy week for stablecoin news, with three startups announcing funding rounds: Mountain Protocol,...

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08 Jun 2024

This week the Reserve Bank of India released figures showing a tiny balance for its wholesale central bank digital...

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01 Jun 2024

This week, Nomura’s Laser Digital said it backed two digital asset ventures, Kelp DAO...

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25 May 2024

During the past year Korea’s banks and securities companies have started building token issuance platforms...

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25 May 2024

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