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Services and Business Services > Social media market trends for brand awareness
Information, Communication, Technology ICT > Investment trends in cloud cybersecurity
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Information, Communication, Technology ICT > Metaverse Disruption in the Future Web
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Energy and Natural Resources > Water scarcity changes sustainable future


A lab-on-a-chip is a miniaturized device that integrates one or more analyses typically performed as part of a...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Nov 2022


  Smart contracts are one application of blockchain technology that will impact all commodity market...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2022


Nowadays, the advancements of drone technology are increasing exponentially. Drones have become very popular and...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Jul 2022


Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Jul 2022


Powered by artificial intelligence (AI), your device can proactively tell you when you may be coming down with the flu,...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Jun 2022


The growth of IoT has already brought significant economic and social benefits. As developments continue, it is...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

May 2022


The growth of IoT has already brought significant economic and social benefits. As developments continue, it is...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Apr 2022


The entire supply chain, from product design, manufacture, test & delivery of goods to the end customers, is vital...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Apr 2022


The electronic materials business is currently performing well, capitalizing on the superior quality of products...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Mar 2022


Around the world, governments are demonstrating their belief in the importance of reducing unnecessary plastic...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Mar 2022


Unlike prior industrial revolutions, Industry 4.0 is not about replacing existing assets and technologies with new...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Feb 2022


Rare earth elements are essential materials for Europe’s economy and green political agenda. They are used in...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Feb 2022


Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Feb 2022


Business transformations in the semiconductor industry were not triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic or resulting...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Dec 2021


When talking about the electric vehicle (EV) market, a great amount of emphasis is put on the battery cells - and rightly...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Dec 2021


Advanced Materials are the modification of conventional materials with superior properties like hardness,...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Nov 2021


Countries and companies have made repeated pledges to reduce carbon emissions, respect fishing quotas and cut toxic...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2021


By the end of 2020, 51% of the world’s population – just over 4 billion people – were using mobile...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2021


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the health and livelihoods of individuals and communities around...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2021


A fully digitalized and connected world was unimaginable for us a couple of years ago. However, thanks to the...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2021

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