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The most significant factor that affected the retail trends in 2021 is the global COVID-19 threat. Unfortunately, it...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

May 2022


Given the lockdowns, 2020 was obviously a bumper year for at-home consumption. And even though most restaurants have...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Apr 2022


Online retail sales will grow from US$ 1.5 trillion in 2019 to .5 trillion in 2024, with a compound annual growth rate...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2020


COVID-19 has upended adspend forecasts. Here, James McDonald, WARC Data's managing editor, explains some of the...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2020


Convenience stores are going high-tech. News mentions of convenience stores and tech spiked in the last month as...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2020


COVID-19 and recession mean the next 18-24 months will be a difficult time in which resilience planning will be...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2020


New research by WARC Data shows that brands have invested more money in e-commerce platforms and less in conventional...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2020


In the three months to August, in-store sales of non-food products declined by 17.8%, but non-food sales grew by 1.4% on...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2020


The Magid Food & Beverage Consumer Insights Tracker captured consumer attitudes across 15 brand dimensions for...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2020


The anti-aging market ($ 200 billion+ globally), is largely restricted to non-therapeutics (cosmetic products and...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2020


The annual survey, conducted by Brand Keys, Inc. the New York-based brand loyalty and customer engagement research...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2020


Magid Advertising Performance insights show consumer attitudes and buying behavior pre- and post-COVID-19 surges...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2020


Services sectors have been heavily affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Given the sector's role in providing inputs for...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2020


According to surveys conducted by Internet Retailer across four hundred smartphone owners, 30 percent of the...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:

Publication | Update:

Jan 2020


Climate change continues to be a growing and much-discussedissue, both in China and on the global stage. While...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:

Publication | Update:

Jan 2020


For many years, physical sales and digital networks were managed separately by companies when it came to maintaining a...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:

Publication | Update:

Jan 2020


In the future, domestic and industrial appliances will be intelligent,networked smart devices, forming complete...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:

Publication | Update:

Jan 2020


Advances in AI techniques enable retailers to accomplish new and exciting features in personalized customer...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:

Publication | Update:

Jan 2020


In order for the traditional retail industry to be viable, those who operate within it must develop their products and...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:

Publication | Update:

Jan 2020


The success of Amazon.com e-commerce relies on a high level of effectiveness attainable in its operational...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:

Publication | Update:

Jan 2020

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